Technology in the Construction Industry

  • Editorial Team
  • Construction Technology
  • 31 October 2023

The construction industry’s complicated relationship with technology is an ongoing thing. Even beyond the obvious application of cutting edge heavy equipment and materials, technology plays a very, very important role in it. It is involved in planning, design, engineering, project management, data analysis, communication, and more.

Site Assessment

Drones have just totally revolutionized site assessments. Because of drones surveyors can evaluate extensive properties with remarkable speed and accuracy. Aerial surveys cover a lot of area in a fraction of the time. This helps even in mitigating safety risks and offers precision through drone photogrammetry.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Collaborative Building

BIM has been reshaping construction by making a multidisciplinary approach possible. This collaborative method lets all stakeholders, from architects to contractors, visualize and understand the project in three dimensions. It really is a game changer in making the project understanding and collaboration better.

Reducing Waste

3D printing introduces innovative possibilities, especially in custom construction components. The technology also minimizes waste by producing precise dimensions and offers lots of sustainability benefits by using local and sustainable materials.


Construction companies are in a bit of a situation because so many of the team members they depend on don’t actually work for them. This makes enforcing security measures a lot more challenging and plus it increases the risk of a cyberattack on your network and sensitive data. According to a report by, the construction sector is now the third most targeted by hackers, and as many as 1 in 6 construction firms were subject to cyberattacks in 2020–2021. It is a good time to take cybersecurity measures for your company like strong firewalls, email security, spam filters, and anti-ransomware software.