The Deadly Cost Of Construction: Fatal Accidents On-Site

  • Editorial Team
  • Construction Safety
  • 28 May 2024

The dangers of cranes are well-known, which is why there are some specific rules, regulations, and safety procedures that must be followed before and during the operation. Unfortunately, when those safety rules on the construction site are not properly followed or any kind of negligence from the workers causes fatal accidents, even when cranes are not well-maintained or operated, these pitfalls can become tragic incidents.

In a very recent report from Park City, Utah, a construction worker was killed over the weekend, during the construction work, he lost control of the crane he was operating.

What Happened at the Site?

According to a report Harold Parker from Herber City, was moving a crane for his construction company in Promontory around 8:15 Saturday morning when the accident happened.

The 50-year-old from Heber was turning the crane around when it fell off a hill at the edge of the property. Summit Country Sheriff said after the incident Parker, who is also known as Buck lost control of the crane. He further added in the report that the weight of the crane started to break loose the ground, and the lower part started going down the hill and then it rolled over.

This is not the first time that a tragic incident occurred on the construction site, and this is an especially traumatic scene for Buck’s family, other accidents happened in the US particularly reported awfully from the crane rollover and loss of control. In recent years almost 44 workers were killed on the construction site and this is an immensely alarming situation for the construction workers and developers as well.

We will need to understand the core problem of the crane accidents, whether the negligence of the workers led to the tragic scene, they carefully did not follow the rules, regulations, and safety precautions, or the construction company sent untrained workers to the site. It is significant to look over the matter to diminish construction site accidents and what safety measures should be taken to avoid hazardous accidents.

Why Do Crane Accidents Happen?

According to the report of the United States Bureau of Labour Statistics, in the last decade, there were more than 300 crane-related deaths were reported. There are several reasons and many risks involved if you operate the crane especially when a construction site is happening on the hillside or in unfavorable places or circumstances, because cranes themselves are so heavy, and frequently lift both considerable burdens and workers. These few are the main reasons for crane accidents.

  • Boom collapse

The boom is the main component of the crane, it is also known as the “arm” the long cylindrical shape part of the crane, the main purpose of the boom is to lift the weight and load. The boom is itself heavy and hard to handle. If the boom were imbalanced or collapsed it could seriously injure or kill anyone who happens to be in its path.

  • Intolerable weather condition

Undesirable, windy, or heavy stormy weather conditions are also the deadliest for the operator, in an uncontrollable manner it could create dismantling in the power lines and lead to dropped loads. The US witnessed several horrific crane accidents which took the life of an operator. Most crane accidents happen due to intense wind, for the most part when the crane is on the uphill side.

  • Used or unmaintained crane

Crane manufacturing companies have the responsibility and primary duty to ensure their equipment is free of any defects and ready to use on construction projects. The developers, contractors, and even the workers have the responsibility to carefully inspect and check that the crane proper working condition before operating. Most of the tragic accidents happen due to the dismantled part of the used crane if you do not own a crane and go for the rough terrain crane rental services it is necessary to inspect it from all aspects.

  • Risk of falling

If a worker is being lifted in a basket on a crane to perform any task at a certain height, it could be a dangerous situation with or high chance of falling due to an unstable part of the crane, or improperly attached basket, or shaky crane handling.

  • Dropped load

The consequences are unbearable to comprehend if the heavy loads from the crane were dropped without any warning or proper communication since the crane is able to carry and lift loads that weigh thousands of pounds and several tons. It is important to drop the load with a prior warning setup. This type of crane accident showcases why crane safety is so important.

OSHA’s Role in Crane Safety Standard

OSHA puts serious action regarding construction site safety measures, especially when it comes to heavy-duty equipment utilization. On violating any regulation by the construction company, OSHA makes sure to put intentional penalties on them. It releases several warning tickets but never lets the company go for their negligence. This is the most crucial approach to keep the industry safer for workers.

When it comes to the safety and security of the workers, the construction industry has a relatively higher fatality rate due to crane accidents. In order to reduce onsite accidents, the OSHA has created a comprehensive set of rules and standards and safety training guides, to minimize the devastating scene on the construction site. OSHA also emphasizes following the code of federal regulation for crane safety which is another regulatory body to sets the rules for using heavy construction equipment. On violating the safety regulations, OSHA recently has put serious charges on some big construction companies.

You can read more details about the penalties charged by OSHA on major companies, here. OSHA Fined Major Companies In Q1 2024: Ensuring Safety

Code of Federal Regulation for Cranes Safety

The regulations and standards that OSHA prescribes for power-oriented equipment used in construction projects include cranes, crawler cranes, floating cranes, mobile cranes, and tower cranes. According to the code of federal regulations (29 CFR 1926.1400), it is essential to ensure safe crane operations by following guidelines such as:

  • Operator certificate 
  • Daily equipment inspection and checking 
  • Proper procedure of assembling and dismantling 
  • Trained signal personals 
  • Prevention of power lines 

Get the Right Crane for Your Project

Choosing the wrong crane for the construction work could adversely affect your project or produce a serious hazard on the construction site. On the other side, selecting quality and well-maintained cranes will help avoid delays and damage to the construction work. Indeed the success of your construction project can only be guaranteed if you choose the right crane.

If you are stuck in the mid of your project and looking for the right crane to complete your job, Look No Further! MY-Equipment is a one-stop shop for all your construction needs including the heavy-duty cranes for rent. We offer you the best deals on used equipment sales and crane rent to complete your project seamlessly. Get in touch with MY Equipment NOW! and let us help you select the most suitable crane for your project.

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