Backhoe or Excavator? When to opt for a Backhoe for your Project

  • Editorial Team
  • Backhoe Loaders
  • 22 October 2024

If it is difficult for you to tell the major differences between a Backhoe and an Excavator, then it would help to know that both machines have three key differences. They differ in terms of size, versatility, and rotation. These three key differences imply that each of them is better suited for different jobs. Before you start searching online for a backhoe for sale or an excavator for sale, conducting a little research would really help your project and cut costs. To help you make the right selection, this article will help you understand what your project exactly needs.

Size matters a lot when it’s a construction project

Keeping the first and most major difference in mind, both machines differ in terms of size. Excavators as you already know are larger and heavier as compared to backhoes. This makes an excavator the right fit for demolition projects and undertaking mining. It serves many other purposes too, ranging from drilling shafts to driving piles. To sum it up, an excavator is better suited for large-scale projects.

On the other hand, the backhoe is smaller but happens to be more adaptable, this makes it the right choice for projects, such as farming and snow removal. Other jobs that would require a backhoe include loading tasks and excavation projects of medium scale. Being smaller, a backhoe turns out to be more maneuverable.

So, this key difference will make you better understand what choice you need to make for your project. The equipment you select must match your project’s scale. If your project involves a large-scale construction process that typically involves demolition and excavation, then the power of the equipment comes into play and you would definitely need to opt for an excavator for sale.

However, if you have a moderate-scale project at hand, then a backhoe would be the best option. If you have a small or medium-sized project, then look up for a backhoe for sale.

Versatility, the defining difference

When you compare both these machines for your project, versatility plays an important role. As far as options are concerned, both offer a great deal of attachment options. However, the backhoe is more capable than an excavator to undertake a wide range of tasks.

Another key difference related to versatility is that a backhoe can be driven on roads. So, if your project has different sites in different places, a backhoe is certainly the right option. An added advantage of a backhoe over an excavator is that it offers a greater selection of attachments.

So, keep mobility in mind when making a choice. If you want a machine that travels easily on the roads and with speeds of above 20 mph, then you need an option with greater mobility. A backhoe is also the realistic choice in such a scenario because it can function better when tasks need to be completed in different areas. With many top companies selling used heavy equipment, you may start your search online to find the best backhoe for sale.


Both these equipment at the core are diggers. However, apart from the two main differences discussed above, both options also differ when it comes to rotations as both have different rotation ranges. This difference makes them two distant options for the selection process and especially when considered from an operator’s point of view.

An excavator has the capacity to rotate in a complete cycle. This means the entire machine’s arm and chassis are fully capable of being rotated in a complete circle. If your project requires this quality and capability from the machine, then go for an excavator for sale.

In contrast, a backhoe offers limited options as its arm is only capable of rotating to about 200 degrees. If you feel your project can be undertaken with a backhoe, then it’s time you researched the best companies offering a backhoe for sale.  

Don’t forget to consider task specificity before making a selection

There are some construction tasks, such as digging that be undertaken with both the equipment. However, there could be some tasks that require either of the equipment. So, keep the differences mentioned above in mind and evaluate the specific tasks your project requires. Thoroughly analyze your project’s needs and then select the equipment that is the most capable.

Last word

The information mentioned above will help you make an informed choice, However, if you still have doubts about making the right selection, then speaking to a heavy equipment professional will help. A trained professional will take a look at your site plans and make an expert recommendation on the equipment required. This will help you avoid any unwanted hassle later on in the project.

Are you now clear on what you need? Talk to one of the leading suppliers of used heavy equipment to make a better decision that ensures the success of your business. Visit My Equipment today and let the experts help you out and assuage all your concerns.

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